
Winter 2017 Update and Convention Schedule!

Ahoy, all!

I hope that your holidays treated you well and that 2017 is off to a great start!

While we’ve had a few hiccups that have interrupted production–some torn chest cartilage, the untimely death of one of our cats, a busted dishwasher, and a bout with norovirus–we’re still chugging away to ensure that CSW: Rogues Gallery will be the phenomenal book that you deserve.

First off, the best news:  text editing is done.  Christine, Jeff, and Lauren did a phenomenal job on the text, and it’s leaps and bounds better.  Secondly, we have about 80% of the art in.  I’m still waiting on a series of pieces, but I have no doubts that these will be arriving soon.

My original hope was to have all of these items in hand by the end of December; obviously, this puts us slightly behind that original target date.  Interpret that how you will; it’s still my intent to have pdf copies out this summer, with hard copies to follow.  I heartily apologize if that leads to an actual delay, but I want to ensure that I’m proud of the book that arrives in your hands.  Your patience is surely appreciated!

Conventions and Upcoming Appearances:

With the spring approaching, that means conventions!  Andy’s busy assembling his spring and summer convention schedule, which will include the following:

  • Saturday, February 10: DayCon Game Day (Fairborn, OH)
  • Tuesday, February 28: RPG Demo Night at The Rook OTR (Cincinnati, OH)
  • Friday, March 3-Sunday, March 5: CincyCon (Hamilton, OH) (Only Saturday, March 4)
  • Saturday, March 11: UDCon (University of Dayton, Dayton, OH)
    • Andy will be the keynote speaker at the convention, in addition to running games!
  • Saturday, March 25: WittCon XIV (Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH)
  • Friday, April 28: GeekFest at the Boonshoft (Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, Dayton, OH)
  • Tuesday, June 13 – Sunday, June 19: Origins Game Fair (Columbus, OH)
  • Friday, October 8 – Sunday, October 10: CinCityCon (Cincinnati, OH)
  • Friday, November 10th – Sunday, November 12: AcadeCon (Dayton Convention Center, Dayton, OH)
    • Dates for AcadeCon are subject to change.


Note that, unfortunately, we will not be attending GenCon this year.  The reasons for this are twofold:  GenCon is becoming increasingly prohibitively expensive, especially for a small design company.  While we have endeavored to cut down costs–we’ve always stayed outside of downtown Indianapolis to reduce hotel costs–the expenditure for GenCon is always the highest of our convention season.  

Further, a dear friend of ours is getting married in late August.  Her wedding is in Minneapolis, so we’re taking the road trip up to see her off into married life.  Because of the time-proximity to GenCon, we elected to go to the wedding rather than the convention.  Ideally, we will return to GenCon in years to come.

But how about those convention scenarios?  What will we be playing this year?  Take a look!

CSW:  Darkness on the Edge of Town (4 hour investigation)

“Everything dies, baby, that’s a fact.  But maybe everything that dies someday comes back…”

CSW:  Bad Trip (2 hour demo)

Overdose deaths among New Corinth’s homeless lead to a harrowing realization.

De Civitates Dei:  Ghosts of Ma’ara (4 hour alpha playtest)

Wrest an ancient relic from the clutches of an evil lurking within a ruined Crusader fortress.

In addition, at WittCon and several other events, Andy will be showing off board game prototypes of Dwarven Defenders, Steel Drivin’ Man, and a few other designs that he’s been kicking about!

Art Previews:

Lastly, let’s take a look at some of that gorgeous art filtering in from our artists!

Gramma Murder (Matt Morrow)

Cadeia and the Rojo Bastardes (Dan Oropallo)

Suiting Up (Jon Gibbons)

Lobotomy (Jon Gibbons)


A Long Overdue Fall Update!

We’ve been so hard to work out here, we forgot to update our website!

If you’ve been following the buzz on our Facebook page, you already know the great news:  our Kickstarter relaunch was a success!

By the end of August, we raised over $5,000 to help make Cold Steel Wardens: Rogues Gallery into a reality.  Thanks to all of you who backed us; we’re already hard at work on the art aspects of the book, with art direction completed and our artists pumping out some phenomenal pieces!

Take a look below!

In other news, the winter doesn’t mean the end of convention season!

We’ll be heading to Star City Brewery this weekend–October 22nd–for their Dayton Designed Game Night, where Andy will be running demos of Dwarven Defenders.

And, if you haven’t gotten it already, get your badge for AcadeCon, now at the Dayton Convention Center!  Andy will be running Dwarven Defenders and the premier of De Civitates Dei, while Jules will be throwing down a whole series of CSW games!

See you around the game table, friends!


AcadeCon Wrap-Up and a Contest!

It’s been a busy few weeks here, friends and neighbors!  New Corinth has been abuzz with all sorts of goings-on and it’s been hectic just to keep on top of all of the projects currently being juggled!

The biggest note on our schedule was, of course, The RPG Academy’s second AcadeCon, held at the scenic Hueston Woods Lodge and Conference Center in Oxford, Ohio.  AcadeCon featured three full days of glorious gaming beneath the Ohio autumn trees, with a number of awesome special guests including Robert Schwalb, Rich Baker, John Wick, and…well, Andy!  After a VIP gathering on Friday night, though, we were ready to throw down some games all Saturday and Sunday!

Here's Jules, about to throw down some CSW at AcadeCon 2015

Here’s Jules, about to throw down some CSW at AcadeCon 2015

Jules spent most of the weekend throwing down Cold Steel Wardens demos, as well as some of her infamous Birds of Prey scenarios.  However, Andy focused his efforts on his latest project:  Dwarven Defenders.  AcadeCon saw the convention playtest debut of DD, with four tables of players taking up hammer and axe to defend the dwarven barrow!  What’s even better, these players fed Andy a ton of great playtest fodder, which he’s since been working into the rules.  Biggest on the deck currently are changes to the Rune deck:  a series of enhancements that Dwarves can add to their Weapons, their Armor, or even their Base attacks!

Dwarven Defenders Playtest at AcadeCon 2015

Dwarven Defenders Playtest at AcadeCon 2015


AcadeCon wraps up our 2015 convention slate and, as the long night of winter descends upon us, Andy’s been making use of his time to get prepped for next year.  As we start looking at conventions throughout the 2016 season, we’ll be bringing a bevy of games:  new CSW scenarios featuring characters from the forthcoming Rogues’ Gallery, playtests of the Deus Vult rule-set, and playtests of Dwarven Defenders.  Keep your eyes peeled here for more details!

However, that’s not all!

You see, Andy has precisely one copy of the Chronicle City run of Cold Steel Wardens left in stock.  And, just in time for the holidays and before CSW heads back into print with our new publisher, he’s going to give away a that piece of Blackfall Press history!

How can you enter to win Andy’s last copy of CSW?  You can’t!  But, you can nominate someone else to win it!  Yes, friends and neighbors:  in honor of the holiday season, Andy will send the last Chronicle City copy of CSW to a gamer of your choice as a holiday present.  He’s even throwing copies of the CSW PDF and the CSW GM Screen Inserts, which are up on DriveThruRPG.  That’s a $70 gaming value into a friend’s stocking!


Give the gift of New Corinth history! Enter our holiday contest today!

Here’s how you can enter!

  • Drop us a comment on the Contact Us page
  • Tweet us @BlackfallPress
  • Post your entry on our Facebook page


In your entry, give us the following info:

  1. Your name
  2. To whom you’d like to send the winning package
  3. Your favorite superhero


We’ll start tallying the entries on Thanksgiving and we’ll keep taking them up until December 18th!  Don’t delay–bring some joy to New Corinth this holiday season!


Four dwarves. One tomb. Countless undead.

Dwarven Defenders (Concept Art--Sonya Green--11-2015)

Thanksgiving’s right around the corner and here’s one thing to be thankful for:  you don’t have to defend your ancestral tomb from barrow-wights!

This is some phenomenal concept art for Dwarven Defenders, done by the wonderful Sonya Green!


AcadeCon, ho!

Just a quick reminder that we’ll be spending this coming weekend at AcadeCon, just outside of Oxford, Ohio, at the Hueston Woods Lodge and Conference Center.

AcadeCon is in its second year and is brought to us by the folks at The RPG Academy, a podcast network focusing solely on RPGs and tabletop games.  I was actually privileged enough to run several sessions of Cold Steel Wardens for the RPG Academy gang, at CincyCon, at GenCon, and for their “The Trials” series of podcasts.

Among the special guests include Robert J. Schwalb (Shadow of the Demon Lord), John Wick (Houses of the Blooded, Play Dirty), Rich Baker (a whole pile of D&D-related properties), and…well, me!

All weekend, I’ll be running both demos of Cold Steel Wardens and playtest sessions of Dwarven Defenders, including full evening sessions that include both our convention scenario, Code Ten-Double Zero (Officer Down) and one of Jules’ infamous Birds of Prey scenarios.

And, if your’e there late at night, I’ll be breaking out a final draft of GameWick Games‘ second game in the Shuffling Horror line:  Roswell 51!

Hope to see you around the table!  With The RPG Academy, you just might learn something!


AcadeCon Plans and Project Juggling!


As the leaves are falling and the nights grow longer, we’re keeping busy over here at Blackfall Press!

First up, take a look at this awesome new website!  Thanks to one of our associates, has never looked so awesome!  Thanks again to our favorite faerie imp for all the help.  Take a look around and enjoy the new digs!

Also, we’ve got AcadeCon incoming!  AcadeCon is the brainchild of the gang over at The RPG Academy, whom I first met over at CincyCon earlier this year.  The RPG Academy guys are huge fans of Cold Steel Wardens:  I ran them through one of my exclusive adventures, On Gossamer Wings, as part of their RPG Academy podcast.  Take a listen, if you haven’t heard it already!

So, what are we doing at AcadeCon?  Well, firstly, Jules will be running a whole series of CSW demos all weekend, so if you’re attending and haven’t yet tried Cold Steel Wardens, your seats will be waiting!  Andy, however, will be doing something a little bit different.  He’ll be running demo sessions of his new board game prototype, Dwarven Defenders!


Oh, yes, friends and neighbors.  Andy’s keyboard has been ablaze with new projects over the past few months, not the least of which has been the aforementioned Dwarven Defenders.  So, what has he been working on so fervently?

  • Cold Steel Wardens Studio 2 re-release.  Andy’s made some minor changes (mainly in terms of readability and ease of use, but a few bits of errata), which are now in the hands of our layout designers.  After that, it’ll be sent off to the gang at Studio 2 for publication and the subsequent print run.
  • CSW: Rogues’ Gallery.  Andy’s got the draft of this done and it’s now in the hands of his lovely and talented development team.  Keep your eyes peeled for news on the upcoming Kickstarter for this one in early 2016.
  • Dwarven Defenders.  A board game, rather than an rpg, Dwarven Defenders casts players in the role of stalwart dwarves attempting to defend their ancestral tomb from the machinations of the necromancer Jaegren Lern.  A combination of a dungeon crawler (in the vein of Descent or Castle Ravenloft) and online tower defense games, players must carve runes, scavenge relics, and build temple defenses by day, in the hopes to stave off Jaegren Lern’s undead hordes.  It’s a one vs. many game that carries 3-7 players and plays between 60 and 120 minutes.
  • Deus Vult: Occult Horror in 1135 Jerusalem.  Andy’s next rpg project, Deus Vult whisks players away to the Holy City of Jersualem at the foundation of the Crusader Kingdoms.  However, even as the Levant faces the man-made horror of war and religious hatred, yet darker demons lurk in the night.  Jerusalem’s sacred walls are home to horrors sealed away in ancient catacombs, eldritch tomes meant for no man’s eyes, and foul occult rituals chanted by moonlight,  Andy’s still writing the rules for this one, but expects to have a full rule-set by the end of the year and hopes to have it ready for playtest during the 2016 convention cycle.


Keep your eyes peeled here, friends, for all the news on these upcoming projects as well as where you can try these games out!

