It’s been a busy few weeks here, friends and neighbors! New Corinth has been abuzz with all sorts of goings-on and it’s been hectic just to keep on top of all of the projects currently being juggled!
The biggest note on our schedule was, of course, The RPG Academy’s second AcadeCon, held at the scenic Hueston Woods Lodge and Conference Center in Oxford, Ohio. AcadeCon featured three full days of glorious gaming beneath the Ohio autumn trees, with a number of awesome special guests including Robert Schwalb, Rich Baker, John Wick, and…well, Andy! After a VIP gathering on Friday night, though, we were ready to throw down some games all Saturday and Sunday!

Here’s Jules, about to throw down some CSW at AcadeCon 2015
Jules spent most of the weekend throwing down Cold Steel Wardens demos, as well as some of her infamous Birds of Prey scenarios. However, Andy focused his efforts on his latest project: Dwarven Defenders. AcadeCon saw the convention playtest debut of DD, with four tables of players taking up hammer and axe to defend the dwarven barrow! What’s even better, these players fed Andy a ton of great playtest fodder, which he’s since been working into the rules. Biggest on the deck currently are changes to the Rune deck: a series of enhancements that Dwarves can add to their Weapons, their Armor, or even their Base attacks!

Dwarven Defenders Playtest at AcadeCon 2015
AcadeCon wraps up our 2015 convention slate and, as the long night of winter descends upon us, Andy’s been making use of his time to get prepped for next year. As we start looking at conventions throughout the 2016 season, we’ll be bringing a bevy of games: new CSW scenarios featuring characters from the forthcoming Rogues’ Gallery, playtests of the Deus Vult rule-set, and playtests of Dwarven Defenders. Keep your eyes peeled here for more details!
However, that’s not all!
You see, Andy has precisely one copy of the Chronicle City run of Cold Steel Wardens left in stock. And, just in time for the holidays and before CSW heads back into print with our new publisher, he’s going to give away a that piece of Blackfall Press history!
How can you enter to win Andy’s last copy of CSW? You can’t! But, you can nominate someone else to win it! Yes, friends and neighbors: in honor of the holiday season, Andy will send the last Chronicle City copy of CSW to a gamer of your choice as a holiday present. He’s even throwing copies of the CSW PDF and the CSW GM Screen Inserts, which are up on DriveThruRPG. That’s a $70 gaming value into a friend’s stocking!

Give the gift of New Corinth history! Enter our holiday contest today!
Here’s how you can enter!
- Drop us a comment on the Contact Us page
- Tweet us @BlackfallPress
- Post your entry on our Facebook page
In your entry, give us the following info:
- Your name
- To whom you’d like to send the winning package
- Your favorite superhero
We’ll start tallying the entries on Thanksgiving and we’ll keep taking them up until December 18th! Don’t delay–bring some joy to New Corinth this holiday season!